BarePipe (FV)


BarePipe is identified as Fully Validated. Example BarePipe

  "pdef_id": "934ac741-ff38-4623-9c4e-dd1ef5eaf16d",
  "pdef_type": "bare_pipe",
  "meta_data": {},
  "additional_data": {},
  "part_number": "10254",
  "serial_number": "445567",
  "heat_ref": "4db9b261",
  "plate_ref": "aa56593f6073",
  "billet_ref": null,
  "length_act": {
    "val": 12.252,
    "unit": "m"
  "mass": {
    "val": 2235.0,
    "unit": "kg"
  "manuf_date_time": "2024-02-06T17:21:16.832458",
  "manuf_cpy": "Vallourec",
  "manuf_mill": "Dusseldorf-Rath",
  "mill_test_pressure": {
    "val": 405.0,
    "unit": "bar"
  "oor_avg_body": {
    "val": 4.06,
    "unit": "mm"
  "related_bare_pipe_spec": null,
  "related_pipe_damage": [
  "related_pipe_end": [
} Documentation BarePipe

BarePipe (FV) refers to a bare pipe. It describes the property of a unique tube, or instance of linepipe.

Each tube has its own measurements, properties etc. They are made according to a generic specification, see BarePipeSpec (PV). Each BarePipe (FV) object can reference such specification.

For example, if a PDEF dataset reports a pipeline that required 1000 tubes to be milled, then the PDEF dataset will report 1000 instances of BarePipe (FV) in this collection. If those tubes are the same type, meaning they are all produced to the same BarePipeSpec (PV), then only one BarePipeSpec (PV) instance will probably be reported in the dedicated BarePipeSpec (PV) collection.


The current version of PDEF only covers carbon steel pipes. Instances of plastic liner pipe, clad pipes, mechanically lined pipes or full corrosion resistance alloy pipes (13Cr, 22Cr, 25Cr, …) shall be included in a later project phase. Schema BarePipe


BarePipe object stores data related to one bare linepipe, ie more or less a 12m long metallic tube coming out of the pipemill.

Show JSON schema
   "title": "BarePipe",
   "description": "`BarePipe` object stores data related to one bare linepipe, ie more or less a 12m long metallic tube coming out of the pipemill.",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "pdef_id": {
         "title": "PDEF id",
         "description": ":ref:`pdef_id` is the unique identifier for the object.",
         "example": "14474720-db23-453a-b9c0-6a9fc9b03ef3",
         "type": "string"
      "pdef_type": {
         "title": "Pdef Type",
         "const": "bare_pipe",
         "type": "string"
      "meta_data": {
         "title": "Metadata",
         "description": "Optional user free structured :ref:`Metadata` object.",
         "example": "{'created':'2021-09-03'}",
         "allOf": [
               "$ref": "#/definitions/MetaData"
      "additional_data": {
         "title": "Additional Data",
         "description": "Optional user free structured :ref:`Additional Data` object.",
         "example": "{'color':'grey'}",
         "allOf": [
               "$ref": "#/definitions/AdditionalData"
      "part_number": {
         "title": "Part Number",
         "description": "Object :ref:`part_number`, ie the manufacturer or purchaser part design number.",
         "maxLength": 256,
         "example": "100-440-0.750-3434-A",
         "type": "string"
      "serial_number": {
         "title": "Part Number",
         "description": "Object :ref:`serial_number`, ie the manufacturer or purchaser item serial number.",
         "maxLength": 256,
         "example": "P/N 12345",
         "type": "string"
      "heat_ref": {
         "title": "Heat Reference",
         "description": "Reference of the heat used to make the pipe.",
         "maxLength": 256,
         "example": "aa56593f6073",
         "type": "string"
      "plate_ref": {
         "title": "Plate Reference",
         "description": "Reference of the plate used to make the pipe.",
         "maxLength": 256,
         "example": "4db9b261",
         "type": "string"
      "billet_ref": {
         "title": "Billet Reference",
         "description": "Reference of the billet used to make the pipe.",
         "maxLength": 256,
         "example": "4db9b261",
         "type": "string"
      "length_act": {
         "title": "Length",
         "description": "The linepipe actual :ref:`length`.",
         "example": {
            "val": 12.252,
            "unit": "m"
         "allOf": [
               "$ref": "#/definitions/Length"
      "mass": {
         "title": "Mass of the linepipe",
         "description": "Linepipe nominal :ref:`Mass`, empty in air.",
         "example": [
               "val": 398.7,
               "unit": "kg"
               "val": 398700.0,
               "unit": "g"
         "allOf": [
               "$ref": "#/definitions/Mass"
      "manuf_date_time": {
         "title": "Manufacture Date and Time",
         "description": "Date of manufacturing.",
         "example": [
         "type": "string",
         "format": "date-time"
      "manuf_cpy": {
         "title": "Manufacturer",
         "description": "Name of the company who manufactured the linepipe.",
         "maxLength": 256,
         "example": "Vallourec",
         "type": "string"
      "manuf_mill": {
         "title": "Pipe Mill",
         "description": "Mill facilities that made the linepipe.",
         "maxLength": 256,
         "example": "Dalmine",
         "type": "string"
      "mill_test_pressure": {
         "title": "Actual Mill Hydrotest Pressure",
         "description": "Pressure at which the linepipe is hydrotested at the mill.",
         "example": {
            "val": 405,
            "unit": "bar"
         "allOf": [
               "$ref": "#/definitions/Pressure"
      "oor_avg_body": {
         "title": "Out-of-roundness, body",
         "description": "Actual out-of-roundness of the linepipe body,average, measured.",
         "example": {
            "val": 4.06,
            "unit": "mm"
         "allOf": [
               "$ref": "#/definitions/Length"
      "related_bare_pipe_spec": {
         "title": "Relations to Bare Pipe Specifications",
         "description": "Related instances of :ref:`BarePipeSpec`, provided as array of :ref:`pdef_id`.",
         "example": [
         "type": "array",
         "items": {
            "type": "string"
      "related_pipe_damage": {
         "title": "Relations to Pipe Damages",
         "description": "Related instances of :ref:`PipeDamage`, provided as array of :ref:`pdef_id`.",
         "type": "array",
         "items": {
            "type": "string"
      "related_pipe_end": {
         "title": "Relations to Pipe Ends",
         "description": "Related instances of :ref:`PipeEnd`, provided as array of :ref:`pdef_id`.",
         "example": [
         "maxItems": 2,
         "type": "array",
         "items": {
            "type": "string"
   "additionalProperties": false,
   "definitions": {
      "MetaData": {
         "title": "MetaData",
         "description": "Optional base JSON-fragment used to report meta data. User free structure.",
         "type": "object",
         "properties": {}
      "AdditionalData": {
         "title": "AdditionalData",
         "description": "Optional base JSON-fragment used to report additional user specific data. User free structure.",
         "type": "object",
         "properties": {}
      "Length": {
         "title": "Length",
         "description": ":ref:`Measure` of a length, distance, thickness, diameter, etc",
         "type": "object",
         "properties": {
            "val": {
               "title": "Value",
               "description": "The value taken by the Measure.",
               "examples": [
               "type": "number"
            "unit": {
               "title": "unit of measure",
               "description": "Unit of measure.",
               "enum": [
               "type": "string"
         "required": [
         "additionalProperties": false
      "Mass": {
         "title": "Mass",
         "description": ":ref:`Measure` of mass",
         "type": "object",
         "properties": {
            "val": {
               "title": "Value",
               "description": "The value taken by the Measure.",
               "examples": [
               "type": "number"
            "unit": {
               "title": "unit of measure",
               "description": "Unit of measure.",
               "enum": [
               "type": "string"
         "required": [
         "additionalProperties": false
      "Pressure": {
         "title": "Pressure",
         "description": ":ref:`Measure` of pressure",
         "type": "object",
         "properties": {
            "val": {
               "title": "Value",
               "description": "The value taken by the Measure.",
               "examples": [
               "type": "number"
            "unit": {
               "title": "unit of measure",
               "description": "Unit of measure.",
               "enum": [
               "type": "string"
         "required": [
         "additionalProperties": false

  • extra: str = forbid

billet_ref: Optional[str] = PydanticUndefined

Reference of the billet used to make the pipe.

Constraints and examples:
  • maxLength = 256

  • example = 4db9b261

heat_ref: Optional[str] = PydanticUndefined

Reference of the heat used to make the pipe.

Constraints and examples:
  • maxLength = 256

  • example = aa56593f6073

length_act: Optional[pdef.model.measure.Length] = PydanticUndefined

The linepipe actual Length.

Constraints and examples:
  • example = {‘val’: 12.252, ‘unit’: ‘m’}

manuf_cpy: Optional[str] = PydanticUndefined

Name of the company who manufactured the linepipe.

Constraints and examples:
  • maxLength = 256

  • example = Vallourec

manuf_date_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = PydanticUndefined

Date of manufacturing.

Constraints and examples:
  • example = [‘2032-04-23T10:20:30.400+02:30’]

manuf_mill: Optional[str] = PydanticUndefined

Mill facilities that made the linepipe.

Constraints and examples:
  • maxLength = 256

  • example = Dalmine

mass: Optional[pdef.model.measure.Mass] = PydanticUndefined

Linepipe nominal Mass, empty in air.

Constraints and examples:
  • example = [{‘val’: 398.7, ‘unit’: ‘kg’}, {‘val’: 398700.0, ‘unit’: ‘g’}]

mill_test_pressure: Optional[pdef.model.measure.Pressure] = PydanticUndefined

Pressure at which the linepipe is hydrotested at the mill.

Constraints and examples:
  • example = {‘val’: 405, ‘unit’: ‘bar’}

oor_avg_body: Optional[pdef.model.measure.Length] = PydanticUndefined

Actual out-of-roundness of the linepipe body,average, measured.

Constraints and examples:
  • example = {‘val’: 4.06, ‘unit’: ‘mm’}

part_number: Optional[str] = PydanticUndefined

Object part_number, ie the manufacturer or purchaser part design number.

Constraints and examples:
  • maxLength = 256

  • example = 100-440-0.750-3434-A

pdef_type: str = 'bare_pipe'
Constraints and examples:
  • const = bare_pipe

plate_ref: Optional[str] = PydanticUndefined

Reference of the plate used to make the pipe.

Constraints and examples:
  • maxLength = 256

  • example = 4db9b261

related_bare_pipe_spec: Optional[List[str]] = PydanticUndefined

Related instances of BarePipeSpec (PV), provided as array of pdef_id.

Constraints and examples:
  • example = [‘37e682a2-e4e5-497a-b252-ea4b4ea54bc0’, ‘93b73ef3-cf5a-445e-a162-68fa6f246faa’]

related_pipe_damage: Optional[List[str]] = PydanticUndefined

Related instances of PipeDamage (FV), provided as array of pdef_id.

related_pipe_end: Optional[types.ConstrainedListValue[str]] = PydanticUndefined

Related instances of PipeEnd (FV), provided as array of pdef_id.

Constraints and examples:
  • example = [‘37e682a2-e4e5-497a-b252-ea4b4ea54bc0’, ‘93b73ef3-cf5a-445e-a162-68fa6f246faa’]

  • maxItems = 2

serial_number: Optional[str] = PydanticUndefined

Object serial_number, ie the manufacturer or purchaser item serial number.

Constraints and examples:
  • maxLength = 256

  • example = P/N 12345 List BarePipe

Bare Pipe Variables





<class ‘str’>

pdef_id is the unique identifier for the object.


<class ‘str’>


<class ‘pdef.model.metadata.MetaData’>

Optional user free structured MetaData object.


<class ‘pdef.model.additional_data.AdditionalData’>

Optional user free structured Additional Data object.


<class ‘pdef.model.bare_pipe.ConstrainedStrValue’>

Object part_number, ie the manufacturer or purchaser part design number.


<class ‘pdef.model.bare_pipe.ConstrainedStrValue’>

Object serial_number, ie the manufacturer or purchaser item serial number.


<class ‘pdef.model.bare_pipe.ConstrainedStrValue’>

Reference of the heat used to make the pipe.


<class ‘pdef.model.bare_pipe.ConstrainedStrValue’>

Reference of the plate used to make the pipe.


<class ‘pdef.model.bare_pipe.ConstrainedStrValue’>

Reference of the billet used to make the pipe.


<class ‘pdef.model.measure.Length’>

The linepipe actual Length.


<class ‘pdef.model.measure.Mass’>

Linepipe nominal Mass, empty in air.


<class ‘datetime.datetime’>

Date of manufacturing.


<class ‘pdef.model.bare_pipe.ConstrainedStrValue’>

Name of the company who manufactured the linepipe.


<class ‘pdef.model.bare_pipe.ConstrainedStrValue’>

Mill facilities that made the linepipe.


<class ‘pdef.model.measure.Pressure’>

Pressure at which the linepipe is hydrotested at the mill.


<class ‘pdef.model.measure.Length’>

Actual out-of-roundness of the linepipe body,average, measured.


<class ‘str’>

Related instances of BarePipeSpec (PV), provided as array of pdef_id.


<class ‘str’>

Related instances of PipeDamage (FV), provided as array of pdef_id.


<class ‘str’>

Related instances of PipeEnd (FV), provided as array of pdef_id.