4.3. PDEF Objects¶
Hereafter, the documentation of PDEF schema.

Some objects are still under validation/construction (noted TBC on the following schema). TBC objects are not part of the PDEF version 2023-12, thus they are not documented.
For the objects ready to test, two levels of validation are identified in the following schema and documentation :
Fully validated objects (FV) : meaning objects have been reviewed by specialits during Phase 3. Variables and relationships have been reviewed and validated for testing.
Partial validated objects (PV) : meaning objects and variables have been reviewed by specialits during Phase 2. Relationships have been reviewed and validated during Phase 3. Objects are judge enough mature for testing even a specialits reviews for variables wasn’t not re-done during Phase 3.
4.3.1. PDEF Objects Listing¶
Documentation is provided in the chapters below for all PDEF Objects.
The PDEF Objects are grouped according to their relation to the project development phase. This grouping is to ease documentation browsing and has no other purpose.
The PDEF Objects are described with an example, the JSON schema and all their members are listed and documented.
Engineering and Specifications
Manufacturing and Components:
Fabrication and Assemblies:
Installation and Pipelines: