PipeDamage (FV)¶
PipeDamage is identified as Fully Validated. Example PipeDamage¶
"pdef_id": "c58d8186-c3ae-423b-82dd-741cb68eb19b",
"pdef_type": "pipe_damage",
"meta_data": {},
"additional_data": {},
"descr": "Small shallow scratch at 2.4m from north end, approx 0.8m long.",
"type": "shallow scratch.",
"raised_date_time": "2024-02-06T17:21:16.828450",
"resolution": "accepted as-is.",
"resolution_date_time": "2024-02-06T17:21:16.828450",
"related_bare_pipe": null,
"related_coated_pipe": null
} Documentation PipeDamage¶
PipeDamage (FV) describes the damage and resolution that have to be reported about one BarePipe (FV).
The various PipeDamage (FV) relevant for one tube are reported as an Reference Relations into BarePipe (FV). Schema PipeDamage¶
PipeDamage stores data intended to gather the specified properties of PipeDamage (FV) objects.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "PipeDamage", "description": "`PipeDamage` stores data intended to gather the specified properties of :ref:`PipeDamage` objects.", "type": "object", "properties": { "pdef_id": { "title": "PDEF id", "description": ":ref:`pdef_id` is the unique identifier for the object.", "example": "14474720-db23-453a-b9c0-6a9fc9b03ef3", "type": "string" }, "pdef_type": { "title": "Pdef Type", "const": "pipe_damage", "type": "string" }, "meta_data": { "title": "Metadata", "description": "Optional user free structured :ref:`Metadata` object.", "example": "{'created':'2021-09-03'}", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/MetaData" } ] }, "additional_data": { "title": "Additional Data", "description": "Optional user free structured :ref:`Additional Data` object.", "example": "{'color':'grey'}", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/AdditionalData" } ] }, "descr": { "title": "Description", "description": "Descriptive text for the Pipe Damage.", "maxLength": 1000, "type": "string" }, "type": { "title": "Type of Damage", "description": "Descriptive text for the Pipe Damage.", "maxLength": 256, "type": "string" }, "raised_date_time": { "title": "Damage Detection Date and Time", "description": "Date and time when the damage was raised.", "example": "2032-04-23T10:20:30.400+02:30", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "resolution": { "title": "Resolution", "description": "Descriptive text for the resolution.", "maxLength": 256, "type": "string" }, "resolution_date_time": { "title": "Damage resolution Date and Time", "description": "Date and time when the damage was resolved.", "example": "2032-04-23T10:20:30.400+02:30", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "related_bare_pipe": { "title": "Bare Pipe", "description": "Related instances of :ref:`BarePipe`, provided as array of one :ref:`pdef_id`.", "maxItems": 1, "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }, "related_coated_pipe": { "title": "Coated Pipe", "description": "Related instances of :ref:`CoatedPipe`, provided as array of one :ref:`pdef_id`.", "maxItems": 1, "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } } }, "additionalProperties": false, "definitions": { "MetaData": { "title": "MetaData", "description": "Optional base JSON-fragment used to report meta data. User free structure.", "type": "object", "properties": {} }, "AdditionalData": { "title": "AdditionalData", "description": "Optional base JSON-fragment used to report additional user specific data. User free structure.", "type": "object", "properties": {} } } }
- Config
extra: str = forbid
: Optional[str] = PydanticUndefined Descriptive text for the Pipe Damage.
- Constraints and examples:
maxLength = 1000
: str = 'pipe_damage' - Constraints and examples:
const = pipe_damage
: Optional[datetime.datetime] = PydanticUndefined Date and time when the damage was raised.
- Constraints and examples:
example = 2032-04-23T10:20:30.400+02:30
: Optional[types.ConstrainedListValue[str]] = PydanticUndefined Related instances of BarePipe (FV), provided as array of one pdef_id.
- Constraints and examples:
maxItems = 1
: Optional[types.ConstrainedListValue[str]] = PydanticUndefined Related instances of CoatedPipe (FV), provided as array of one pdef_id.
- Constraints and examples:
maxItems = 1
: Optional[str] = PydanticUndefined Descriptive text for the resolution.
- Constraints and examples:
maxLength = 256
: Optional[datetime.datetime] = PydanticUndefined Date and time when the damage was resolved.
- Constraints and examples:
example = 2032-04-23T10:20:30.400+02:30
: Optional[str] = PydanticUndefined Descriptive text for the Pipe Damage.
- Constraints and examples:
maxLength = 256 List PipeDamage¶
Variable |
Type |
Description |
pdef_id |
<class ‘str’> |
pdef_id is the unique identifier for the object. |
pdef_type |
<class ‘str’> |
meta_data |
<class ‘pdef.model.metadata.MetaData’> |
Optional user free structured MetaData object. |
additional_data |
<class ‘pdef.model.additional_data.AdditionalData’> |
Optional user free structured Additional Data object. |
descr |
<class ‘pdef.model.pipe_damage.ConstrainedStrValue’> |
Descriptive text for the Pipe Damage. |
type |
<class ‘pdef.model.pipe_damage.ConstrainedStrValue’> |
Descriptive text for the Pipe Damage. |
raised_date_time |
<class ‘datetime.datetime’> |
Date and time when the damage was raised. |
resolution |
<class ‘pdef.model.pipe_damage.ConstrainedStrValue’> |
Descriptive text for the resolution. |
resolution_date_time |
<class ‘datetime.datetime’> |
Date and time when the damage was resolved. |
related_bare_pipe |
<class ‘str’> |
Related instances of BarePipe (FV), provided as array of one pdef_id. |
related_coated_pipe |
<class ‘str’> |
Related instances of CoatedPipe (FV), provided as array of one pdef_id. |